Ramona Maharaj worked as an English as a Second Language (ESL)
teacher for many years. She is from the City of Hamilton in Ontario,
Canada, and attended George Brown College. After she graduated with her
degree, she decided to earn her TEFL certification so that she could
work as an ESL teacher abroad. She has always been passionate about
traveling, and she loved being able to explore different cities while
she worked as a teacher. The first country she worked in was Korea. She
has worked in several other countries in Asia and South America as well.
She worked hard to become a good ESL teacher. If you are interested in
ESL courses and programs, there are several facts that you should know.
teachers work in several countries throughout the world. English
speaking countries and territories, such as the United States, Canada,
the United Kingdom, and Australia rely on ESL teachers to help adults
and young adults improve their literacy. People from all over the world
may choose to immigrate to an English speaking country. An ESL teacher
can help these individuals improve their English skills by teaching them
colloquialisms. ESL teachers can also help adults from any background
improve their reading skills. ESL programs may be attached to public
school systems, while other teachers work with independent programs.
are ESL teachers who work abroad as well. These teachers work in
countries all over the world. Some ESL teachers are employed by
supplementary programs and courses for young adults in other countries.
For example, high school students in Japan frequently enroll in
supplementary English courses. There are other programs abroad that
teach adults how to speak and read in English. These courses can be
beneficial for individuals who are interested in working in an
international industry, or for individuals who are interested in
becoming bilingual.
If you want to become an ESL teacher, there
are a few steps that you can take. One option is to earn an
undergraduate degree in a field related to the subject that you wish to
teach. You can then earn a teaching certification and then a TEFL
certification. If you choose this path, you can work abroad and then
return to your home country to continue teaching with a school. Another
option is to earn a TEFL certification after you earn an undergraduate
degree. It may be helpful to earn a degree in English literature,
education, history, or another related field. Your job as an ESL teacher
will be to help individuals improve their English skills. Ramona
Maharaja is a teacher in Florida. She was raised in the City of Hamilton
and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Ramona Maharaj City of Hamilton worked as an
ESL teacher for many years and is now a graduate student in Florida.