Monday, 18 January 2016

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton Offers Advice for Cold Weather Hiking

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton is not just an English teacher, she is woman with many unique hobbies. One of her favorite hobbies is to go hiking and getting in touch with nature. Hiking offers a good way to stay in shape and is a fun hobby for those with an adventurous nature. However, there are a few things that novice hikers should learn before hitting the trail.
Sometimes the conditions such as weather are an important factor to consider before going on the hike. While you should never let something like cold weather stop you from enjoying a good hike, you should always be prepared for it.

Ramona Maharaj City of Hamilton

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton enjoys going hiking, even in the cold. She just knows that you have to take a few extra steps in order to have a good hiking experience in cold weather. One good tip for hiking in cold weather is to dress in many different layers. This offers two advantages. The first advantage is that the extra layers will help stave off the cold and the cutting wind. The next advantage is that if it does start to warm up or you are giving off extra body heat due to exertion, you can peel off some outer layers to cool down. Dressing in layers offers advantages that a simple coat does not.

Ramona Maharaj City of Hamilton teaches English abroad. When she is not at work however, you can find her on the trail.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton Discusses Teaching Formality Abroad

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton has been teaching English abroad to a wide range of students for many years now. This is something that takes time and considerable experience in order to be successful at. That is because teaching abroad means that you will be encountering a wide range of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, all of which have different teaching needs and expectations. Learning how to accommodate these distinct needs is how teachers like Ramona have a successful year. Getting your students to learn the curriculum requires as much effort from you the teacher, as it does form the students, perhaps even more when teaching abroad.

One of the things that Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton learned was important about teaching abroad is staying formal and professional. That is because many countries expect a higher level of professionalism from teachers than most American ones are accustomed to. According to’s article, “The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching Abroad”, “[You should] act like a teacher.” This means respecting the formality expected by many foreign students. While that doesn’t mean you cannot get involved with games and activities, doing things like calling your students by their first name is often considered unprofessional in many countries. That is why it is best to act as an authority figure first when teaching abroad.

Ramona Maharaj of the City of Hamilton has been teaching abroad for many years now. She has learned that a formal professional approach is the best method for reaching foreign students.

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Friday, 1 January 2016

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton Explains How to Teach Abroad

One of the things that makes Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton unique from other English teachers is that she often instructs abroad. This means that she has been to many different countries to teach her craft. Teaching abroad presents a unique challenge to the instructor, one that requires a specialized skillset. That is why experienced and dedicated teachers like Ramona are so valued in the field. Knowing a few subtle teaching nuances can be the difference between a successful semester, and one where many students have not learned or grown in a satisfactory manner. That is why if you are looking to teach abroad, there are some things that you should learn first.

Ramona Maharaj City of Hamilton

Ramona Maharaj from the City of Hamilton knows that being successful at teaching abroad is about adaptation. Learning how to accommodate the unique needs of each of your students will really help them grow in the classroom. In fact, according to’s article, “The Dos and Don’ts of Teaching Abroad”, “Different nationalities have different preferences.” A good example of this is the Japanese, who like to take more time than most students to consider a question before answering. An impatient teacher may assume while working with Japanese students that they do not know the answer to the question and answer it for them. This can disrupt the learning process.

Ramona Maharaj City of Hamilton knows that it takes a unique set of skills in order to be successful when teaching abroad. One of those necessary skills is the ability to adapt.

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